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Still looking for answers? Try our most frequently asked questions and if you still cannot find the answer you are looking for just drop us an email or request a call-back.

How do I sign up with London ProActive?

Our application process is simple.  You can sign up with one click when you buy through our shop. You will receive an access email after purchase and be able to begin your chosen course study immediately. If you are unsure, please give us a call or drop us an email and we will be happy to have a chat and help you find the most suitable course for you.

How are your courses cheaper than others?

Our courses are designed to be accessible to as many people as possible. A large part of this design was centred around keeping our Diplomas as affordable as possible but still offer as much value as possible. We think we have succeeded in this by offering video resources in place of costly, didactic teaching and blending it with face to face workshops to practice our techniques in person with real-time feedback where it counts.

Where can I find your Policies & Proceedures?

We are serious about protecting your rights, right across the board and we have policies in place to show the stand we are taking as a company and as individuals.  You can find our policies in the drop down menu tab below FAQ's or through the link at the bottom of the screen 

How will I find employment after I qualify?

We work closely with other industry professionals and have links in all kinds of areas and will use our industry experience to help you find the right direction after you qualify.  We incorporate a business workshop into all our courses to help you gain direction and find the right start for you, whether you'll be setting up your own business or working for a therapy clinic or in a gym or travelling the World on a cruise ship. The options are limitless and we will use all our expertise to help you get your first interviews and clients.

I began a course with a different provider, can I complete it with London Proactive?

Absolutely.  Unfortunately, we know that not all course providers are equal and sometimes, they make promises and then don't deliver. We value our industry and want to encourage and nurture learners who have fallen by the way side so we will help you salvage what you can from the work you have completed and once we have you enrolled, you will only pay for the Units you have left to complete.

Can I enrol in more than one course?

Yes you can! In fact we even offer a combined Diploma Course which offers a Diploma in both Sports Massage and Personal Training. This increases your skills and revenue streams but keeps the cost lower by avoiding repeat admin fees.  If you would like to enrol in any of our courses at the same time, get in touch and we can discuss how we can make that happen.

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